Innovative Methods for Preserving and Enhancing Health in the 21st Century


Our Project

The I.M.Health project focuses on how people’s need for physical activities have changed and evolved due to the changes in lifestyle in the XXI. century, and on developing innovative methods that address these changing needs.

Water Skyball

An exciting and fast-paced water sport with a unique set of rules to challenge the players both physically and mentally.


Balance² is a therapeutic exercise and training method aimed at restoring and sustaining a balance in the body.

Training Methods

Learn more about Water Skyball and Balance


Second Transnational Project Meeting

Second Transnational Project Meeting

As a milestone in our project, we had our 2nd Transnational Project Meeting in Hungary from 16-19th September. The venue of the meeting was the sports center of Fontanus near Szeged, which enabled us to train and play in the official Water Skyball field. As a...

First Transnational Project Meeting

First Transnational Project Meeting

The IM-Health Project has officially started. To start off right, we had our first Transnational Project Meeting (TPM) in Ljubljana from February 23-24, 2023. For the first time, all project members came together to meet in person and to discuss the next steps of...

Project Partners

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. The European Union cannot be held responsible for them.

Need More Information?

If you want to know more about our project or about our partners do, we are happy to help.