About our Project

The I.M.Health project focuses on how people’s need for physical activities have changed and evolved due to the changes in lifestyle in the XXI. century, and on implementing innovative methods that address these changing needs.

Throughout the project, we want to highlight the positive effects of sports and exercise on the physical and mental wellbeing and develop new training methods to educate especially young adults, a demographic group which historically is not as interested but already shows musculoskeletal and/or health related of the sedentary lifestyles of our century.

Our Goals

Raise Awareness

We want raise more awareness on the positive effects of sports and exercise on our health

Develop New Fitness Methods

We want to educate young adults to a healthy and active lifestyle through the innovative training methods Water Skyball and Balance

Verify the Effects

We want to implement comprehensive training programs to test the effects of our training methodes on health.

Our Objectives

A study on the extent of the effect sports and exercise have on our health (‘Health study’)


3 informative and educational videos about the results of the ‘Health study’


A collection of fitness assessment methods used today by sport and health professionals


A new fitness assessment method developed for the needs of the 21st century


Introductory studies and videos about 2 innovative training methods developed for the 21st century needs, Water Skyball and Balance² training methods


A study about the research results of the comprehensive training programs implemented during the project